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The Academy of Shockwave Excellence Logo
Shockwave Levels I and II Masterclass
  • Shockwave Levels I and II Masterclass

    Join us for a weekend of hands-on learning with a range of shockwave devices, clinicians across a range of medical disciplines, and the top shockwave educators. Develop your shockwave skill set to the next level with labs for MSK tendinopathies and over 10 other conditions.

    Topic Time Duration
    Arrival/Sign In 8:00 30 minutes
    Welcome & Housekeeping 8:30 10 minutes
    Merri-Edna Introduction & Origin Story 8:40 20 minutes
    Introduction to Shockwave Therapy 9:00 1 hour, 10 minutes
    Fascia and Application Technique 10:10 30 minutes
    Break 10:40 15 minutes
    Treating Tendinoapthies | Plantar Fascia & Achilles Anatomy 10:55 10 minutes
    Plantar Fascia Theory 11:05 10 minutes
    PF Lab + initial application technique 11:15 45 minutes
    Achilles Theory 12:00 10 minutes
    Achilles Lab 12:10 30 minutes
    Lunch 12:40 1 Hour
    Patella Tendinoapthy 13:40 10 minutes
    Patella Lab 1:50 30 minutes
    Tennis Elbow Theory 2:20 10 minutes
    Tennis Elbow Lab 2:30 45 minutes
    Intro to EMTT - Biological Effects 3:15 15 minutes
    Break 3:30 15 minutes
    Treating the shoulder, Tendinopathies and Adhesive capiulites Theory 3:45 30 minutes
    Shoulder Lab 4:15 60 minutes
    Recap/Quiz 5:15 30 minutes
    Sign Out 5:45  
    Academy Reception 7:00 2 hours
    Topic Time Duration
    Arrival/Sign-In 8:00 30 mintues
    Group Photo 8:30 10 minutes
    Quick Housekeeping 8:40 5 minutes
    Mighty Network 8:45 5 minutes
    Yesterday Recap 8:50 15 min
    GTPS Theory 9:05 10 minutes
    GTPS Labs 9:15 35 minutes
    Basic ESWT for spine treatment and Cervicogenic headache 9:50 30 minutes
    Spine Lab 10:20 50 minutes
    Break 11:10 15 minutes
    Developing Your Practice with Shockwave 11:25 30 minutes
    Treating OA in the Knee with ESWT & EMTT 11:55 15 minuttes
    OA Lab 12:10 40 minuttes
    Lunch 12:50 1 hour
    Treating Peripheral Nerves and CTS 1:50 15 minutes
    CTS Lab 2:05 30 minutes
    Practical Casework/application techniquie 2:35 30 minuttes
    Break 3:05 15 minutes
    Q& A Panel/ Recap 3:20 50 minutes
    Merri-Enda Closing Remarks 4:10 5 minutes
    Test 4:15 30 minutes
    Sign Out 4:45  
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